Friday 16 October 2020

5 Key Processes of Suitable SEO Services for Small Business


Before the era of digital marketing, the marketplace was dominated by large businesses. There is no room for small businesses as they cannot compete with the big players. They don’t have the resources, manpower, and the budget to launch a marketing campaign as large as those big companies.

That was before SEO services for small businesses in Sydney came in. This part of digital marketing enabled the small to medium enterprises to compete with the big guys and enjoy online growth locally. Since most of these businesses cater to local clients or those that are near their areas of operations, finding a company that offers local SEO services Sydney is a priority.

Read below how SEO affects small businesses and how you can find a company in Sydney that offers their services.

The Advantages of Hiring SEO Services

It is a fact in digital marketing that the majority of search engine users did not get past the first page of the search results page. And more than half of the clicks are going to the first top five of the organic results. It is for the same reason that marketers put more than half of their effort into SEO.

This can be tough for small businesses and the only way for them to compete is to target the local users. Lucky for them 91% of the consumers are looking for companies located around their area. So, when you strategize your SEO in these directions, you can have a piece of the market pie.

These results are promising and for small businesses having a promising SEO campaign will earn about 40% of their revenue from these local clients. And they can have a better close rate as compared to using traditional marketing techniques.

The Processes You Need to Look For in SEO Services

If you are looking for an SEO agency for small businesses, do not get the first one that comes along offering their services. Do not get blinded by their false promises and vague strategies. The best SEO services in Sydney are the ones who have a system and follow a logical flow of processes.

A comprehensive workflow is a good indication that this company will be effective. Here are the key process steps that you should look for:

1. Preliminary consultation – The SEO company should offer a schedule for preliminary consultation that will help them have a clear understanding of your small business. Without this understanding, they will not be able to formulate sound strategies that could work.

2. SEO Audit and Website Health Check – The agency should conduct an assessment on your website's performance, how effective your efforts are, and what is lacking in your strategies.

3. Audit for Mobile Friendliness – The majority of your customers are conducting their searches using their mobile devices. The SEO company should conduct an audit to gauge the mobile-friendliness of your site.

4. SEO Recommendation Report – When the SEO agency is done with all the assessments, the marketer should be able to give a comprehensive SEO Recommendation Report that outlines their findings and recommendations on the strategies and activities that should be done.

5. Timelines and Milestones Chart – An agency should show transparency and must come up with a comprehensive Timelines and Milestones Chart that will outline the key activities, milestones, and the target dates.

Key Takeaway

Domain Bird

It does not matter whether you have a small or big business, or what products or services you offer, you need to have a strong online presence to generate business and revenue. Hire the best company that can help you formulate, plan, and execute an SEO campaign that delivers good results.


  1. SEO is a collection of techniques that helps in getting organic traffic and rankings to a website. Our company also offers similar services in Sydney, Australia.
    Digital Marketing Company in Sydney

  2. SEO has different benefits that might vary depending on the nature of your business. There is not one SEO strategy that fits all. That’s why you better look for an SEO agency in Sydney that is open for discussion and coordination.
